Antennas 160m Sloper
JJ3PRT Profile 名前 : 青木洋二 DXペディション 無線略歴 |
JJ3PRT Profile 名前 : 青木洋二 DXペディション 無線略歴 |
2009年製作 160mタワードライブANT | 160m マッチングBOX |
JA3GTY 京都市伏見区で開局。
受信機:高一中一 7MHz AM、CWのみ
ANT:FDDP 10mH オール自作
初QSO:JA3RR 坂口OM この感動は忘れない。
1966.11.1 初DX QSO 相手UA0KJA
送信機:トリオ TX-88A、受信機 トリオ9R-42+X Con
送信機:トリオ TX15S
受信機:トリオ 9R59D
DXCC 30 Entくらい。その後QRT。
送信機:ヤエス FL-DX-400
受信機:ヤエス FR-DX-400
ANT:14MHz 3ele Yagi、21/28 4ele HB9CV w/ルソー自立タワー 16.5mH
DXCC 240Entくらい。NDXAに入会。以降QRT状態。
リグ:ヤエス FT-1000MP、FL-7000(改)、トリオ TS-820S
ANT:14/21MHz 5ele Yagi、7/10/18/24 R-DP
現在 DXCC 250 Ent くらい。
Callsign | QRA | QTH |
JA3GFA | Tomy Atsushi Yamaji | Nara Japan |
My profile |
In DX QSO, my QRA is“TOMY”. My first name is 敦. This kanji character is used as part of 敦煌=Dun Huang= which is a city in the northwest of China. TOMY is taken from the characters, as we Japanese pronounce them as “TOM KOU” My QTH is 19-84, Minamii-cho, Yamatokohriyama-city, Nara 639-1024 JAPAN |
Sketch of my personal history February 11, 1934: born in Taipei, Taiwan. (My official domicile has been in Kagawa prefecture in Japan) |
December, 1962: obtained Telephone-class HAM radio operator license. September, 1963: started JA3GFA at Dekijima-cho, Nisiyodogawa-ku, Osaka-city. April, 1973: started QSY at my present address. June, 1987: obtained Second-class HAM radio operator license. November, 1987: received Yomiuri all Japan 10,000-station Award. June, 1988: obtained First-class HAM radio operator license. November, 1989: obtained 500-watt output power radio station license. April, 1991: became a member of NDXA=Nara DX association. June, 2005: passed the screening for Yomiuri DX 10,000-station Award. July, 2005: ready and waiting for the Yomiuri Award ceremony for Yomiuri DX 10,000-station Award. |
My comment When I started QRV, I had focused on domestic QSO using 10-watt standard output power with the aim of achieving the Yomiuri all Japan 10,000-station Award. However, due to low power, it took about 24 years to emit enough radiation at radio wavelengths. If I had used a higher wattage, the time before achieving the award would have been considerably shortened. However, as I firmly stuck to 10-watt power, I wasted my time accordingly. One year before receiving the Award, I set my next goal to the Yomiuri DX10,000-station Award. For this purpose, I obtained the First-class HAM Radio operator license and took English lessons. Furthermore, I upgraded my radio facility and acquired a license for the 500-watt output power HAM radio station. It was in early 1990 that I started QSO in earnest with DX stations. Due to being a high power radio station, I created a lot of radio-frequency interference for my neighbors. There were 28 neighbors within a 50-meter radius of my house. 13 ofthem reported interference problems. So I had to install suppressors in those 13 homes before I applied for the 500-watt output power station’s license. Since then, Ⅰtook another 16 measures in the past 15 years. It means that I have taken almost 30 measures against interference since I started QSO. It may be no exaggeration to say that I spent most of my HAM radio life fighting interference. Fortunately, I have had good neighbors. They kindly accepted the measures to resolve the problem. Furthermore, my XYL gave me financial assistance,though not willingly. I really appreciate their kind help. I hope that I can keep such friendly relations with them. As for the Yomiuri DX 10,000-station Award, because I did QSO when called by DX stations instead of calling DX stations, I could not avoid duplicating QSOs with the same stations. So, in order to obtain the necessary 10,000 QSL cards for the award, I |
had to do over 30,000 QSOs.It was also required to include more than 70 confirmationsfrom ITU zones (75 in total) and 200 confirmations from DXCC countries (335 in total) among those 10,000. I got 71 confirmations from ITU zones and 308 confirmations from DXCC countries. So, in December 2004, I submitted the application to the Yomiuri Award office. After 6 months, in June 2005, I received their letter of acceptance. However, as I heard that the Award ceremony would be held in December 2009 at Yomiuri headquarters in Tokyo, I was a little disappointed. The average life of Japanese men is about 78 years. I am 71 years old now. I hope to keep my health and to attend the Award ceremony to be held 4 years from now. I’ll See …anyway. Only God knows my life. For the remainder of my HAM radio life, I would like to obtain confirmation from the remaining 27 DXCC countries that I have not yet got. I would like to dedicate myself to collecting DX information and watching for special DX stations with the goal of receiving the Honor Role Award. Hi, Hi. I am a self-employed electronic maintenance engineer. If I was a salaried man, I would have already retired and would be leading a leisurely life spending a lot of time enjoying HAM radio. However, I believe that I can maintain my good health by keeping busy and managing stress appropriately. While believing so, I would like to continue working. A job must be interesting and life must be fun. I also believe that I can extend my enjoyment of life while I am trying to achieve the balance between job and hobby. |
The photo on the right, above,is my QSL card for 1965~1970. At that time, I used 9R59,TX88A and SV1(VFO) line and operated in A3 mode on 10-watt output power. The book
placed in front of the desk is my JA Callbook issued in 1970 featuring 100,000 stations. The photo on the left, above, is my current QSL card, which I bought in large quantities 10 years ago. At that time, as the color printing was very expensive, so I printed them in black and white at the price of 4.3 yen each, which was an absurdly low price them. Modern radio facilities are incomparably better than those in use when I started QRV about 40 years ago. I feel keenly the 40 years time-lag and the human avarice that has no bounds.You are welcome to BK. I am anxiously looking forward to FBDX. 2005、JUL. JA3GFA Best 88 & 73 |
アマチュア無線以外にもアンティークラジオのコレクションや郵便切手の蒐集などの趣味を持ち、これらのクラブ等から届く機関誌や会報など読み切れなくなっ ているHi。仕事はシャープ株式会社を定年退職するも、引き続き同社の研修所で品質管理関係の講師を務め週に2,3日出勤している。
アマチュア無線関係では、このNDXA以外に、河内長野市アマチュア無線連絡協議会、大阪国際交流センターラジオクラブ、JANET、JAIG、JAG、JARL、CDXC(英国)、RSGB(英国)、QCWA(米国)、RCA(米国)、ARRL(米国) 等のメンバーである。